CSS Variables

CSS Variablesopen in new window used by this theme are stored inside assets/scss/variables.scss.

They are divided into following categories:

Site-wide styles

  • --main-top-padding: Top padding of page
  • --body-background: Body background color
  • --body-text-color
  • --accent-color
  • --accent-color-darker
  • --accent-color-text
  • --tag-border-radius: Border radius size of tag
  • --section-separation: Separation between cards

Global font family

  • --sys-font-family
  • --zh-font-family
  • --base-font-family
  • --code-font-family

Card style

  • --card-background
  • --card-background-selected
  • --card-text-color-main
  • --card-text-color-secondary
  • --card-text-color-tertiary
  • --card-separator-color
  • --card-border-radius
  • --content-padding: Regular card padding
  • --small-card-padding: Small card Padding

Article content font style

  • --article-font-family
  • --article-font-size
  • --article-line-height

Article content element style

Blockquote style

  • --blockquote-border-size
  • --blockquote-background-color

Heading style

  • --heading-border-size
  • --link-background-color
  • --link-background-opacity
  • --link-background-opacity-hover

Code block style

  • --pre-background-color
  • --pre-text-color
  • --code-background-color
  • --code-text-color

Table style

  • --table-border-color
  • --tr-even-background-color